Précisions récentes de la US Board of Patent Appel and Interference concernant la brevetabilité d’inventions reliées aux ordinateurs

Dans Ex Parte Hu, App. No. 2010-000151 (BPAI 2012) des revendications portant sur un “computer-readable storage medium” sont acceptées alors que celles concernant un “computer readable medium” sont rejetées.

Selon le Board of Patent Appel and Interference:

– the allowed subject matter “… is directed to a tangible storage medium, which can be read by a computer and therefore fall within one of the four statutory classes of 35 U.S.C. § 101”.


Dans “Ex Parte Svendsen, App. No. 2011-012505 (BPAI 2012)”, le BPAI précise à propos de revendications incluant entre autre un “wired communication interface” que :

– ” the “extra-solution activity” doctrine “is more properly applicable to cases where Appellant is attempting to circumvent the prohibition on patenting abstract ideas by adding insignificant and unrelated activity…”;

– “Here, however, the storing and transmitting steps are clearly integral to the selection and delivery of media previews.”